So I am working on automating a few things I do daily on my desktop. I have my Yubikey setup for login, which is nice. But I also wanted to run some scripts to enable/disable zoneminder when I lock/unlock my system.

My Google-Foo is either failing me or there just isn’t much call to run scripts when a screen is locked/unlocked. After looking awhile I did find one Stack Overflow question that appears to have what I need.

So the bash script is below. Just need to change the ‘echo SCREEN_LOCKED’ with whatever scripts I want to run.

dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.mate.ScreenSaver'" |
  while read x; do
    case "$x" in
      *"boolean true"*) echo SCREEN_LOCKED;;
      *"boolean false"*) echo SCREEN_UNLOCKED;;

Looks straight forward enough. I went ahead and just ran the ‘dbus-monitor’ command just to see what the output looks like, and it does seem to match up fine.

$ dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.mate.ScreenSaver'"
signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=:1.127 serial=2 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameAcquired
   string ":1.127"

signal sender=:1.66 -> dest=(null destination) serial=14 path=/org/mate/ScreenSaver; interface=org.mate.ScreenSaver; member=ActiveChanged
   boolean true
signal sender=:1.66 -> dest=(null destination) serial=15 path=/org/mate/ScreenSaver; interface=org.mate.ScreenSaver; member=ActiveChanged
   boolean false

The bash script works like a champ so far…

~$ bash bin/

I also found this StackOverflow question that has some python code included; basically based on the previous SO question/code.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import gobject
import dbus
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop

def filter_cb(bus, message):
if message.get_member() != "EventEmitted":
args = message.get_args_list()
if args[0] == "desktop-lock":
    print("Lock Screen")
elif args[0] == "desktop-unlock":
    print("Unlock Screen")

bus = dbus.SessionBus()
mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()

Course my first instinct is to rewrite it in to Perl. And there appears to be a module for it already, Net::DBus

Looking around at that I found a module that does what I want already, Event::ScreenSaver

Code that caught my eye initially. Uses Net::DBus::Reactor.

Event::ScreenSaver comes with a nice example program ‘player-pause’ that pauses/unpauses music when the screen is locked/unlocked.

Otherwise my script is pretty straight forward, this is just a test run to see it work.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Event::ScreenSaver;

my $ss = Event::ScreenSaver->new(
    start => sub {print "ScreenSaver started!\n" },
    stop  => sub {print "ScreenSaver stopped!\n" },

Cause of course nothing goes to plan right away.

$ ./bin/
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.ScreenSaver was not provided by any .service files

Ok, so the Perl module needs an update. Lucky for me it’s on GitHub

I’ve gone ahead and forked it, I’ll get around to a pull request sometime.

So the original code in file “lib/site_perl/5.22.0/Event/ScreenSaver/” is this: ```perl my $screensaver = $bus->get_service(“org.gnome.ScreenSaver”);

my $screensaver_object = $screensaver->get_object("/org/gnome/ScreenSaver", "org.gnome.ScreenSaver"); ```

I changed the ‘gnome’ to ‘mate’: ```perl my $screensaver = $bus->get_service(“org.mate.ScreenSaver”);

my $screensaver_object = $screensaver->get_object("/org/mate/ScreenSaver", "org.mate.ScreenSaver"); ```

I gave my simple script a test run and locked the screen. It worked, but the script immediately exited. sh ~$ bin/ ScreenSaver started! ~$

I’ll have to dig in to why that happened… In the meantime the bash script I started with is looking pretty good…

Update 2016-01-20

Decided to just run with the bash script for now. As one can see there isn’t much difference than the original find. Just specified paths, etc.


dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.mate.ScreenSaver'" |
  while read x; do
    case "$x" in
      *"boolean true"*) /usr/bin/sleep 60 && /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/ start && echo "ZoneMinder Started!";;
      *"boolean false"*) /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/ stop && echo "ZoneMinder Stopped!";;

I started it running and when I went out to lunch and came back it all worked like a charm…

~ $ ./bin/ 
ZoneMinder Started!
ZoneMinder Stopped!